29 June 2007

More Pictures..............

Some friends and family have requested more pictures of day to day life in Malawi, so here they are:

Sunsets in Mchnji
The boma in Mchinji
Praying to the internet gods on the porch of IKI My frequent showering partner in Mchinji
Kids cooking "chips" sort of fries served with a cabbage/tomato/onion slaw, salt, and peri peri (hot sauce) in a plastic bag - YUM! They are cooked and sold from stalls in the boma and I took the gastronomical plunge the 2nd day I was here.

My favorite tailor in the Mchinji boma. His partner to the right has a machine called the "Flying Dove" which he didn't want me to take a picture of................
Me working outside IKI (its usually too cold to work inside) with some helpers Too cute!
Me trying to get some reading done outside my room but Stinker and Dottie have other plans
Kayesa Inn

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